
This is the feedback I'm looking for! It doesn't really matter as I am not planning to "do" anything with this story. But it is helpful to understand when the hints are not enough. Flash fiction strangles word count and it is a new medium for me. I've had some readers get everything but more than a few express some confusion or doubt.

I'll give the "answer" of what I was "trying for" in a week or so.

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Sep 24Liked by Amy M Stewart

I admit to being confused as well. Here is what I am getting as twists- #1- he is marrying a doll #2- she poisoned him. My read is that she asked the stones (the not God) for help in her poisoning of the scones, but " a devil made me do it" did not enlighten anything for me. I will agree that 500 words is VERY short to try to twist anything!

Second thought- maybe it is a doll OF HER???

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The doll is not of her, although that would be a good twist! He is marrying a doll or android-type being (distinction not really relevant). She did poison him, which I don't consider a twist. The second twist concerns the "devil".

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Sep 20Liked by Amy M Stewart

Cool contest and beautifully written story. Your details and flow are really strong. I confess to being confused, though. Was the new wife actually a doll-creature who made the ex-wife poison Landon? If so, I don't understand the motive or connection between new wife and ex-wife. If not... then I didn't get it. 😅

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